Thursday, April 28, 2011

Take your Kiddo to work day

I remember back when it was simply "Take your DAUGHTER to work day" but, I guess the boys felt left out. Anyway, C wanted to go with her dad. Little Man asked me if he could come to my work. I asked, and surprisingly, they said yes! So, he was ever so excited :)

I had already warned him, my job is bor-ring, but he said it was still better than school, and I would have to say that looking back on my 8 year old self, I'd have to agree :) So, we packed our lunches diligently last night and prepared for the day! I made Bee's and C's lunch and put it in the same bag since they would most likely be out on the road come lunch time, and this way could just throw away everything when they were done. I even told Bee this so he wouldn't have to look for the other lunch bag in the morning AND so he would know that the cupcake was packed for him.

At 5am this morning, he had me go wake up C while he showered and got ready. I woke her up, came downstairs, and pulled their lunch out and set it on the table along with her cereal and went and and did my work out. When Little Man and I went to leave, I asked him if he had his lunch and he said he didn't know I packed him one and there was no bag in the fridge. I called Bee and he said he had C grab "his lunch too" before they left since I set out hers and not his. Um, HELLO?! I swear, no one listens to me, and now Little Man is without a lunch. He said I could come pick it up, but I didn't feel like it, and I was peeved that he waived me off impatiently last night as I was explaining it to him, and this is what I was trying to avoid. Oh well, Little Man will like Burger King better anyway :)

We got to work early, so we opened up the office, made the coffee, ate our breakfast and manned the front desk waiting for Miss Lilly to show up! Then we went back to my desk where he was bored already. I think it's going to be a long day. Haha! I gave him some papers to staple and we got supplies in, so he helped put the paper away and ran to my bosses car to help her with something, but other than that he has been playing my ipod touch. It's entertaining him for now, but he told be he is already bored with it. I told him this is a good lesson on why it's important to do well in school so you can go to college and get a job you love instead of a boring one. ha!

He has already eaten an ice cream, 2 hard boiled eggs, cereal, 4 pieces of chocolate (Thanks to Miss Felicia) and had one cup of hot cocoa. I am hoping all that should at least keep him awake for the afternoon ;) Luckily, Miss Lilly has some jobs for him come afternoon :)

Overall, I think he will appreciate school come tomorrow!

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