Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Girl, you'll be a woman soon

Well, I got the text yesterday from Bee.

Our little girl C (who is 11 and 1/2) is no longer a "little girl". She has joined the ranks of the woman. Well, at least the "teenager", ha! Can I tell you, she is not thrilled. More like, angry. She thinks it's stupid and doesn't understand why she has to have this thrust upon her. Especially since she is never having kids. Haha. We shall see. I told her it's all a part of life and most importantly, blame her father because really, it's the male's donation to the child making process that decides the sex of the baby. Yeah. We're planting our flag in that.

Anyway, between that and J trying on prom dresses and parading in our living room demanding every one's full attention, it was an estrogen fest and little man was slightly afraid. I told him just wait. Wait until the three of us sync up. I am pretty sure he had no idea what I was talking about. However, it just may mean the end of the world! :)

I feel bad for the two boys in our house ;)

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