Friday, August 27, 2010

Light at the end of my tunnel

So, I busted my rear quarters last night and managed to get ALL the clothes put away, my kitchen re-cleaned (I do this roughly 4 times a day...double that if it's a weekend), Dinner made (left overs) and my utility/"mud" room cleaned. Like, sparkles clean! I also managed to start, again, on the dining room, which is the last room until I can claim "Done" status. All the while, I did 6 loads of laundry. They're not folded...but still, they are clean and waiting to be worn! I figure it should take me all of a half hour, 45 minutes to finish the dining room. I did the hard part, which was "windexing" all the glass parts, putting the shelves back in and cleaning those, and putting in all the stemware (We have TONS, and the funny thing is, I am the only one who will drink wine...) The rest is simply putting stuff away in the hutch, polishing the gigantic table, and picking out a centerpiece for it...

I will, at that point, claim "DONE" status. There are a few odds and ends left, such as : Hanging our big clock on the wall, our big mirror on the wall, hanging out other big mirror/shelf thing, hanging pictures, There are a total of three boxes, two small and one medium sized, that are filled with countless USB cords, the audio cords with the red, yellow, and white pluggy things, various gadgets and do-dads, that Bee has collected over the years that I am sure don't work or he doesn't know to what they belong to, that he refuses to part with. This includes chargers for phones we no longer have, and cords to ipods we no longer own. I have told him, if he won't throw them away or let me throw them away, he needs to do something with them that includes immediately getting them out of my line of vision/out of the open and from in my way. IE: Get them off of my freaking living room floor. He also needs to set up Little Man's bed frame so that we can move things around in his room and he can feel moved in as well. I would also prefer that he rearrange the garage and shed so that we have more room out there and I can eventually park my car in there. My little Roger Rocket will not be left out in the snow this winter if I have a perfectly functioning garage...All I know is that I will be done unpacking by the time my sweet friend Amy pulls up into the driveway with her two adorable wee ones!

Our weekend plans have changed a little. Bee was supposed to leave town tonight and drive down to Kentucky. He wanted to go see the championship football game. Something tells me there were owners meetings too? Maybe not. That might be in October for the All-Star weekend. At any rate, he was going down there. Amy was going to come hang out with us tonight, then tomorrow at the wee early hours of roughly 6:30ish, I was going to be taking the two younger ones to Grandma and Grandpa "S"'s house so that they could go down and spend the day at the prison with their mom for "Mommy and Me" day. I think it's ridiculous that these women, who are in prison for crimes such as stealing to as severe as murder, get to spend the day with their children in the parking lot of the prison and have a fair. Complete with rides, games, animal rides, prizes, carnival food, etc. However, my two absolutely love "Mommy and Me" day. Then, while they were gone, BFF Rose was going to come spend the day with "J" and I. Sunday, the kids would all be home again, and Bee would come back in time for "C"'s football game at one.

I am learning to roll with the punches. Bee called me yesterday afternoon to tell me that he text grandma "S" to find out when I should drop them off. Grandpa "S" called back and said that they weren't going. Apparently, there are over 800 women down there and not everyone can enjoy "Mommy and Me" day because then we are looking at at least 1600 people and they just can't handle that. So, since "C" and Little Man were there last year, their paperwork got denied this year. I was devastated for those little ones. "Her"? Well, part of me did feel a little bad, but it all comes down to, you're in jail because you suck at life and did something to deserve to be there. You get too many privileges as it is...however, the kids? They didn't do anything to deserve their mom being locked up, and they were soooooo excited about going. In fact, Grandma and Grandpa wouldn't take them to see "her" on "her" birthday, which was last week, because of the fact they would see "her" Saturday...

Bee felt bad too. He told me he was going to see how they reacted to the news. If they were ok with it, he'd go on his trip, but if they seemed upset at all, he was going to stay. Well, apparently they both burst into tears and were really upset. So, now I have a Bee and two Beelings extra this weekend :) He is taking them to a football game tonight. Our new city's High School team versus our Old City's High School team. It's a HUGE rivalry. Should be a good game. Then, Saturday he said he might take them to the park, or another such fun event. Probably end at CiCi's. I still feel bad for them. Oh well, maybe next weekend Grandma and Grandpa can take them. If, you know, they can find it within their busy lives to do it....

Other than that, yesterday was a good day. I can't wait for this work week to end so I can finish my house and relax with my friends! :) Yay for the weekend!!!!


Amander said...

Yay for the light (at the end of the tunnel)!!

Happy Weekend!

Sarah said...

What a good feeling to get all that done! And what a bummer for the kids that they couldn't go to that fair!