Monday, August 30, 2010

Our first "real" weekend!!

Well folks, it's done. After months of stressing, looking for the right house, packing, moving, unpacking and registering kids for school, we are D-O-N-E, DONE! It feels amazing! There is an overwhelming sense of "happy" for everyone in this house. We love our new rooms, our new space, our new friends, new school, and new life! This was our first weekend to do real things instead of move/unpack. It started out kinda rough, with the kids finding out they couldn't go spend the day with their mother, but quickly we moved on to better things!

Friday night, Bee took the kids to the high school football game! Where our new school was playing our old school in an intense rivalry. Our new school beat our old school 49-0! In the meantime, I was at home. Our friend Amy came over with her two little ones and we hung out. I made a yummy dinner of hamburgers and tater tots! I had just finished officially unpacking before Amy got here. Bee and the kiddos came home and we all hung out together listening to the tales the kids had from playing with friends at the game.

Saturday, "C" had practice, and bee had some errands to do. While they were out, I did laundry because oohh emm gee there was tons, Little Man was playing with his new BFF, and "J" was doing what every teenager does best, which is lay around in her room and sleep and watch TV. BFF Rose came over, and Bee and "C" came home and kiddos were off and running! Little man did get into some trouble though. I told him four times NOT to just run off to his new BFF's house. Even though they were in the yard 3 houses over, he did not ask, and therefore did not have permission to leave the house. I am sorry, but unlike this little boy, I can not allow a 7 year old to just roam the neighborhood. After being told 4 times, and still just leaving 4 different times, he was grounded and had to come in for the day at noon. In fact, I was a mean step mommy and made them ALL come in and do their chores before ANYONE could go play.

While kiddos were working, BFF Rose and I got to hang out. I left Bee with strict orders on the handing of HIS children ;) then we were off for some girl time! First we hit up Miscellaneous barn. That place is so cool. It's kinda like a giant garage sale, but all in one place. They have furniture that would cost thousands of dollars in a store, for mere hundreds of dollars. It's fun to look at, but like I told BFF Rose, even half of a lot, is still a lot, if you don't have the money...which we don't lol! They have other things, too. Such as vintage clothes, dishes (we scoured the place for a butter dish with a lid. Bee totally wanted one, but alas came up empty). After that, we headed over to the harbor, where we had lunch at one of my favorite restaurants out here! It sits right on the lake and has a beautiful view. We had a wonderful lunch and chatted non-stop. When the bees finally got the best of us (Bee says, "I sent them for you..." lol! ) We came back to the house where we hung out until roughly 9pm when she left.

After that, Bee and I hung out. He played his game and I folded clothes. We did this until 2am!! We finally went to bed (I had to stay up long enough to work my way through folding the clothes until I got to his coaches shirt! lol!) We got up Sunday morning, got ready, and went to "C"'s football game. My mom, dad, and sister came out too! We watched "C's" team spank the other 28-0! Grandma and Grandpa "S" came out and sat with my family and I. It was kinda awkward, epically when Grandma "S" whispered loud enough for my mom to hear "Oh. Must be nice. She gets to sit here with her family and watch the game while poor "J" has to babysit little man. See, that's all she wants her for....a babysitter." Um. No. But I wont waste my breath on that nonsense. We grabbed frozen custard afterwards, minus Grandma and Grandpa "S", then headed home. My mom and I made a big Sunday dinner and we all ate until we were stuffed. I cleaned up, and then we sat on the proch until dark.

Bee and I sent kiddos to bathe then bed, and headed there ourselves. It was a WONDERFUL, fun, relaxing weekend and I can't wait for more! Oh, and I finally got some pictures of the house uploaded! The kid's bedrooms and bathroom are from when we first moved in...I couldn't take new ones of there last night because they were in them sleeping :) Pictures of the outside will come tomorrow! It was too dark last night and this morning haha!

Little Man's room. His bed is now set up and his room is clean :)

This is upstairs and "C"'s bedroom. Same deal. Bed is together now and it's clean.

This is "J'" room. She has the "Master Bedroom", but thaat's because Bee and I took two rooms downstairs ;) She also has my couch/bed in there now.

My Closet! This is actually upstairs in the "Kid's Bathroom"

"Kid's Bathroom" aka: Guest Bathroom. I LOVE this bathroom...but I also love that I can shower in mine and it's attached to my room...

Stairs. Duh ;)

Utility/Mud room. That would be my back door too..Those closets are walk in closets and I love them :)

My kitchen! Right off the Mud room. Please excuse my huge trash bag...I NEED a garbage can... lol

My Dining room!

My Living room with Glass French doors! (Bee and I swear the "Transformers" Logo is the "decoration" in the glass. LOL!

"Green Room" that is technically a bedroom that bee and I bogarted along with the "den" below to make our Master Suite lol! All those shoes? Yeah, those are Bee's. He's such a girl...

Our Room. First door in the picture on the left is the bathroom.

Our Bathroom. Yay!


Sarah said...

Holy smokes, Kitty, it's BEAUTIFUL!!! It must feel so good to be at this point. It's amazing all that you've done in a few short months!

Amander said...

Looks just beautiful! I am jealous.