Last night I stopped off at my favorite store on the way home. Walmart. Hot damn, do I love me some Wally world! I went in with the intention of buying large body-sized, garbage bags and dishwasher soap because if I have to wash dishes by hand, another piece of my soul will die.
$67.00 later, I emerged. Kids need cereal. Milk. Mac-N-Cheese. Bread. Then Bee text me four times while I was in there. "Can you buy me some pop?" "2 liters are fine." "Oh, can you get me like 3 or 4 of them? I go through those things like water!" Which then reminded me, I didn't have any pop at home. However, diet coke was on sale for .98 cents. Diet Dew was $1.50. Then, one last time "Oh! And I need red or blue athletic tape for the game! Thanks Monkee!" Oh well. We're a "Combined Household" now. Better get used to it.
I had intended on making chicken and dumplings for dinner. Yes, I realize it's 90 degrees outside, but we keep the A/C at 72 degrees. That, and I had taken chicken from March of 2009 out of Bee's freezer the day before. It was split, bone-in chicken breast. We don't eat that kind of chicken. Well, at least I don't. Therefore I don't really know any recipes in which I would look forward to eating that would be worth my while. Then I remembered mom always made chicken and dumplings with left over chicken! I called mom and got her recipe and bought the two ingredients I needed to make it (bullion cubes and Bisquick). But then, while I was in the store, I saw hamburgers and got those to make instead. I made up the chicken anyway and figure we can have chicken and dumplings tonight :)
After a scrumptious dinner, I got back to packing up the dining room. I was aaalllmooostt done, when be shut off all the lights and dragged me off to bed. It was 9:00pm, but the kids were at Grandma Bee's and I didn't have a headache tonight... ;) Alas, that boy is worth it...but I wish I could have at least finished up in the dining room of doom first. It would have done so much for my sense on accomplishment. Oh well, there's always tonight while he is at practice. I tend to get a lot more done when he is gone. I usually get a lot more done when everyone is gone. Hence, why tonight the kids will spend the majority of it in their rooms. Cleaning. "C"'s was supposed to be done by Monday evening when I got home. That was her chore for the day. I got home, her room hadn't been touched, and she was gone. At Grandma and Grandpa's for three days so they could work in a visit with her mom on Tuesday....
If it's not enough that I am packing and moving at home, I now have to pack and move at work! One of our co-workers quit because she was moving to D.C., and I have been asked to switch cubicles. So, today is the day for that. I am still 50/50 on how I feel about it. Oh well. Change of scenery. Roll with the punches. Or at least try to anyway. I think I am going to be ok with is though. Gives me a chance to reorganize and now I'm at least physically part of the group. At least I will know what the hell is going on most of the time.
So that's essentially it. It looks as though Bee and I are going to be moving the weekend of Aug 1th. Walt needs to meet with his lawyer and draw up a lease and paint our kitchen and we have to get the first months rent together. We have the security deposit and most of the first months rent, but bee had a financial woe earlier in the week that took some of that money. Oh well. Shit happens, yes?
I did manage to get the whole dining room and 3/4 of the kitchen packed before running out of boxes. That is super frustrating because I really want to pack the rest of this weekend...but I guess it's ok because now I have to wait another two weeks. Blah...
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
My Day Book #19
Today is...
July 28th, 2010
Outside My Window...
Sunny and 85 Degrees. It's supposed to hit 90 today. But then, just in time for when I am supposed to spend the day swimming with Young Miss Caitlyn, it's only going to be in the mid 70's.
I am Thinking...
about the house. As Usual. Now, it's because Walt was talking about handing us the keys August 1st and we still have little to nothing done. I came home, cooked dinner, ate, and then hit the dinning room of doom last night. I will say, I gave it two good hours until, out of nowhere, a migraine struck, knocking me out of commission for the night. I was bummed. It was only 9pm. However, in that 2 hours, I CLEANED the dinning room of doom, AND got it 3/4 of the way packed. However, the only thing TO pack in there is the Hutch with the dishes and whatnot in it. Some of which are being stacked up in a corner for the Ex's parents to take. Forgive me, but I don't really feel like cooking a nice Thanksgiving dinner and serving it on HER wedding china and eat it with HER good silver. No thanks. I'll get my own, thank you.
I am thankful for...
This brownie I am eating and cup of delicious coffee I am drinking. Still have the slightest throb from my migraine. Not enough to do something about, but still there enough to be a slight annoyance.
What I have learned this week...
Bee is as stresses about this moving and packing thing as me. However, we handle it differently. I stress, stress, stress. Make a plan. Stress. Then, I execute said plan and when I can see progress, I feel better. Bee gets so overwhelmed, he doesn't know where to start, so he ignores it hoping it will take care of itself. With me around, it will, and I need to learn to either let things lie until he is forced to take care of it, or stay on him until he deals with it. Neither sound appealing to me. In fact, both sound down right irritating, but unless I want to spend my life doing everything hard or unpleasant on my own.....I gotta nip this in the bud.
I am wearing...
Jeans, Black flowy top, black sweater and sandals.
I am creating...
an organized mess from packing....
I am going...
to be spending a lot of time putting things in boxes over the next week or so.
I am reading...
July issue of Cosmo.
I am hoping...
To get some serious ambition and kick our butts into gear on packing. I am so sick of taking about it. Stressing about it, and doing it. I can't wait until it's done.
I am hearing...
my space heater running under my desk. I'm not normal.
Around the House...
I am looking at everything and stressing out. There is so.much.crap. in that house. Then, I think about my apartment. It's only 585 SQ not too much is there...but still. It's at least another evening devoted to just my place. Then, last night I went out into Bee's garage to put something out there and almost fainted. I forgot all the shit, and I do mean shit, that is in that garage. It wouldn't be so bad if it was all stuff to be pitched, but there's stuff we want to keep intermingled....ugh...oy-vey. And, I told "C" to clean her room Monday during the day when she was home all day. I get home Monday night, kiddos are at Bee's in-laws for a week or two to go camping and her room is an absolute mess. Still. Sometimes I want to just throw my hands up and cry.
One of my Favorite things this week...
Cedar Point. By far. I forgot how much I love that place. I want to go back for their Halloweekends celebration. However, maybe without the kiddos. Not that I don't want them there with us, but we can ride all the rides we want without worrying about what to do with them.
A Picture Thought...
Saturday night, after the Game. It's me (please forgive my appearance. It was hot and I was outside in the humidity most of the day), BESTFRIEND, and Young Miss Caitlyn. BESTFRIEND got his name because one day at practice I offered him a brownie and he told me he loved me. It was his second practice with the team ever. Haha! He is really a sweet guy and one of my favorite on the team. His real name is Alan Cephus, but we just call him "Cephus". He is a one the the "play makers" on the team. This guy could have done some great things in College Football, if not the Pros. Hopefully, he'll make it back!
July 28th, 2010
Outside My Window...
Sunny and 85 Degrees. It's supposed to hit 90 today. But then, just in time for when I am supposed to spend the day swimming with Young Miss Caitlyn, it's only going to be in the mid 70's.
I am Thinking...
about the house. As Usual. Now, it's because Walt was talking about handing us the keys August 1st and we still have little to nothing done. I came home, cooked dinner, ate, and then hit the dinning room of doom last night. I will say, I gave it two good hours until, out of nowhere, a migraine struck, knocking me out of commission for the night. I was bummed. It was only 9pm. However, in that 2 hours, I CLEANED the dinning room of doom, AND got it 3/4 of the way packed. However, the only thing TO pack in there is the Hutch with the dishes and whatnot in it. Some of which are being stacked up in a corner for the Ex's parents to take. Forgive me, but I don't really feel like cooking a nice Thanksgiving dinner and serving it on HER wedding china and eat it with HER good silver. No thanks. I'll get my own, thank you.
I am thankful for...
This brownie I am eating and cup of delicious coffee I am drinking. Still have the slightest throb from my migraine. Not enough to do something about, but still there enough to be a slight annoyance.
What I have learned this week...
Bee is as stresses about this moving and packing thing as me. However, we handle it differently. I stress, stress, stress. Make a plan. Stress. Then, I execute said plan and when I can see progress, I feel better. Bee gets so overwhelmed, he doesn't know where to start, so he ignores it hoping it will take care of itself. With me around, it will, and I need to learn to either let things lie until he is forced to take care of it, or stay on him until he deals with it. Neither sound appealing to me. In fact, both sound down right irritating, but unless I want to spend my life doing everything hard or unpleasant on my own.....I gotta nip this in the bud.
I am wearing...
Jeans, Black flowy top, black sweater and sandals.
I am creating...
an organized mess from packing....
I am going...
to be spending a lot of time putting things in boxes over the next week or so.
I am reading...
July issue of Cosmo.
I am hoping...
To get some serious ambition and kick our butts into gear on packing. I am so sick of taking about it. Stressing about it, and doing it. I can't wait until it's done.
I am hearing...
my space heater running under my desk. I'm not normal.
Around the House...
I am looking at everything and stressing out. There is so.much.crap. in that house. Then, I think about my apartment. It's only 585 SQ not too much is there...but still. It's at least another evening devoted to just my place. Then, last night I went out into Bee's garage to put something out there and almost fainted. I forgot all the shit, and I do mean shit, that is in that garage. It wouldn't be so bad if it was all stuff to be pitched, but there's stuff we want to keep intermingled....ugh...oy-vey. And, I told "C" to clean her room Monday during the day when she was home all day. I get home Monday night, kiddos are at Bee's in-laws for a week or two to go camping and her room is an absolute mess. Still. Sometimes I want to just throw my hands up and cry.
One of my Favorite things this week...
Cedar Point. By far. I forgot how much I love that place. I want to go back for their Halloweekends celebration. However, maybe without the kiddos. Not that I don't want them there with us, but we can ride all the rides we want without worrying about what to do with them.
A Picture Thought...
Saturday night, after the Game. It's me (please forgive my appearance. It was hot and I was outside in the humidity most of the day), BESTFRIEND, and Young Miss Caitlyn. BESTFRIEND got his name because one day at practice I offered him a brownie and he told me he loved me. It was his second practice with the team ever. Haha! He is really a sweet guy and one of my favorite on the team. His real name is Alan Cephus, but we just call him "Cephus". He is a one the the "play makers" on the team. This guy could have done some great things in College Football, if not the Pros. Hopefully, he'll make it back!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
It's the little things...
On my way into to work this morning, I saw one old guy knock another old guy out. Seriously. I was stuck in traffic on the highway and they were pulled off to the side of the road. They were yelling and pointing and yelling some more. One old guy (And by old, I mean, they were like in their 70's) goes to get in his car to leave and the other said something. He promptly shut his door, stormed over to the other old guy, got in his face for a second, then popped him right in his nugget. Old guy #2 crumpled to the ground as Old guy #1 got in his car and drove off. Old guy #1 got up, got in his car, and drove off too.
Is stuff like this that lets me know God still loves me :D
Is stuff like this that lets me know God still loves me :D
You can't make this stuff up...
(SIDE NOTE: Happy 100th post, to ME! :D )
I am starting to think I need a vacation from my weekends. Thank God I can come back to work! It may be boring here with not much to do, but at least there is sanity here...and consistency :)
Friday started off with me getting home to find no Bee or kiddos. No big deal because Bee cashes his check on Fridays and usually stops at the store. Sometimes he picks up dinner. I had also just spoken with him about 20 minutes before, so I was not concerned. After about 45 minutes and no text or phone call, I got worried. My phone rang and Bee told me as soon as I answered that he might need me to get him a lawyer and or a bail bondsmen.
Apparently, "J" called him frantically. She was at a "friends" house. Apparently some friend of her moms from the Kingdom Hall. Her mom dropped her off there a week ago and told "J" that this friend wanted her to live with them and go to school with her daughter. "J" knows them from "church", but is not close with them or anything. "J" told her mom that she had decided to live with us, so she wasn't going to live with these people. Her mom protested and said she'd have a better life and better education with people who think like them (IE: Jehovah Witnesses). "J" agreed, for peace keeping reasons to try it for a week and make her decision then. In the mean time, her mom was hiding her from us and did not inform us of "J" going to live with other people who weren't family ("J"'s mom would not be living there). She was also not telling "J" in her daily conversations with her that we were calling and trying to get a hold of her. When "J" asked about what we thought, she was told "Oh, they haven't even called to check on you. See, they don't care".
"J" was getting daily lectures and pressure from this "friend" to make up her mind and live there. She doesn't do well with pressure and demands. They ended up getting into a fight and "J" asked to leave. The friend told her she wasn't allowed to leave because like it or not, THIS was her home. They were her family. No one else wanted her. Her dad and I just want her for babysitting "C" and "Little Man". She asked to call her dad and was refused. She finally made it to the phone and called Bee. He asked her where she was (Thank GOD he knows his way around this state like a blind man knows his own house) and he went and got her. When he pulled up with Grandma Bee (Thank GOD he thought to take her or else he MIGHT have ended up in jail), the "friend" of "J"'s mom came out and started cursing out Bee and and Grandma Bee. Telling them, in front of "J" and the other two kiddos how they were horrible people. They were all going to hell. "C" and "Little Man's Mom" was in prison, she was going to hell for stealing from her false God and believing in a false God, and that Bee and them would join her for eternity. Also, that "J" (who emotionally isn't all that stable because of her mom) is the reason her daughter is now suicidal because "J" isn't going to be her "sister". Also, that Bee was kidnapping "J" and she was calling the Sheriff.
Bee snatched "J", restrained Grandma Bee from beating that bitch's ass, and they left. He went to the Sheriff's office and told them what was going on. They told him as long as he has Shared custody and felt his daughter was in jeopardy, he was fine and wouldn't be arrested or anything. "J's" mom finally called back. Claimed to be "upset" at how the "friend" reacted and if "J" was uncomfortable, she should have called her and she would have went and gotten her instantly (yeah, right...)
I told Bee, JW's are a cult. Even the most disliked member is still a member and therefore, you risk life, limb, and freedom to protect each other (not to mention, they are taught they don't have to recognize our court or judicial system because it's from the Debil.) If "J's" mom gets too spooked and is given access to "J", she can hide her so deep and so far from us, we won't be able to find her. I told him this 3 weeks ago. I think he is starting to believe me after this stunt. I contacted one of the best lawyers around. He handles the owner of company's legal issues both professional and personal (My boss only has the BEST of everything...) he agreed to be on standby if we need anything. Bee and "J"'s mom talked. "J" has made it clear she is living with us. I hope that takes care of the issue. If not, I told Bee that the kids are number one and we will go deep into debt if we have to in order to protect them. They're worth it.

That was Friday. Saturday we had Grandma Bee's 70th Birthday celebration. We did dinner at a Restaurant called "Mangia! Mangia!". It was nice :) Then, we headed out to Bee's game. We got our behinds handed to us. 50 something to 14. Our head coach got pissed at Bee and mid game threw his clipboard AT Bee and stomped off saying he quit. Bee coached the rest of the game. THAT's when we got our 14 points. Afterwards, the kids went to Stephen and Jen's while we all went to the local bar that sponsors our team for all you can eat wings and salad with the other team (we're all friends...which made this loss extra hard...especially since there was a "trophy" on the line. )
Miss T and her husbnd. Her husband plays for the opposing team.



Sunday, we hung out for a little bit and then headed over to Tucker's house for his son's Graduated party. It was HUGE. There was a band and everything. Tucker can really throw a party! Bee and I always joke that he Runs the city. I mean, he is really big in the PTA, he's sits on the board of all of his kid's sports teams, He is a business owner in the city AND sits on the City Council. It's a small town. Everyone knows and likes him. In fact, one night after a game, Bee got pulled over for making a "lazy turn" and having a loud muffler. He told the cop we were on our way to Tuckers (we were) and the Cop was like, "OH! Rick?! Well, just tighten up those turns and get that muffler fixed!" haha!. I think the whole town was at the party. Good Food, Good friends, and a great time. It was one busy weekend and as always, Monday came way too soon...
I am starting to think I need a vacation from my weekends. Thank God I can come back to work! It may be boring here with not much to do, but at least there is sanity here...and consistency :)
Friday started off with me getting home to find no Bee or kiddos. No big deal because Bee cashes his check on Fridays and usually stops at the store. Sometimes he picks up dinner. I had also just spoken with him about 20 minutes before, so I was not concerned. After about 45 minutes and no text or phone call, I got worried. My phone rang and Bee told me as soon as I answered that he might need me to get him a lawyer and or a bail bondsmen.
Apparently, "J" called him frantically. She was at a "friends" house. Apparently some friend of her moms from the Kingdom Hall. Her mom dropped her off there a week ago and told "J" that this friend wanted her to live with them and go to school with her daughter. "J" knows them from "church", but is not close with them or anything. "J" told her mom that she had decided to live with us, so she wasn't going to live with these people. Her mom protested and said she'd have a better life and better education with people who think like them (IE: Jehovah Witnesses). "J" agreed, for peace keeping reasons to try it for a week and make her decision then. In the mean time, her mom was hiding her from us and did not inform us of "J" going to live with other people who weren't family ("J"'s mom would not be living there). She was also not telling "J" in her daily conversations with her that we were calling and trying to get a hold of her. When "J" asked about what we thought, she was told "Oh, they haven't even called to check on you. See, they don't care".
"J" was getting daily lectures and pressure from this "friend" to make up her mind and live there. She doesn't do well with pressure and demands. They ended up getting into a fight and "J" asked to leave. The friend told her she wasn't allowed to leave because like it or not, THIS was her home. They were her family. No one else wanted her. Her dad and I just want her for babysitting "C" and "Little Man". She asked to call her dad and was refused. She finally made it to the phone and called Bee. He asked her where she was (Thank GOD he knows his way around this state like a blind man knows his own house) and he went and got her. When he pulled up with Grandma Bee (Thank GOD he thought to take her or else he MIGHT have ended up in jail), the "friend" of "J"'s mom came out and started cursing out Bee and and Grandma Bee. Telling them, in front of "J" and the other two kiddos how they were horrible people. They were all going to hell. "C" and "Little Man's Mom" was in prison, she was going to hell for stealing from her false God and believing in a false God, and that Bee and them would join her for eternity. Also, that "J" (who emotionally isn't all that stable because of her mom) is the reason her daughter is now suicidal because "J" isn't going to be her "sister". Also, that Bee was kidnapping "J" and she was calling the Sheriff.
Bee snatched "J", restrained Grandma Bee from beating that bitch's ass, and they left. He went to the Sheriff's office and told them what was going on. They told him as long as he has Shared custody and felt his daughter was in jeopardy, he was fine and wouldn't be arrested or anything. "J's" mom finally called back. Claimed to be "upset" at how the "friend" reacted and if "J" was uncomfortable, she should have called her and she would have went and gotten her instantly (yeah, right...)
I told Bee, JW's are a cult. Even the most disliked member is still a member and therefore, you risk life, limb, and freedom to protect each other (not to mention, they are taught they don't have to recognize our court or judicial system because it's from the Debil.) If "J's" mom gets too spooked and is given access to "J", she can hide her so deep and so far from us, we won't be able to find her. I told him this 3 weeks ago. I think he is starting to believe me after this stunt. I contacted one of the best lawyers around. He handles the owner of company's legal issues both professional and personal (My boss only has the BEST of everything...) he agreed to be on standby if we need anything. Bee and "J"'s mom talked. "J" has made it clear she is living with us. I hope that takes care of the issue. If not, I told Bee that the kids are number one and we will go deep into debt if we have to in order to protect them. They're worth it.
That was Friday. Saturday we had Grandma Bee's 70th Birthday celebration. We did dinner at a Restaurant called "Mangia! Mangia!". It was nice :) Then, we headed out to Bee's game. We got our behinds handed to us. 50 something to 14. Our head coach got pissed at Bee and mid game threw his clipboard AT Bee and stomped off saying he quit. Bee coached the rest of the game. THAT's when we got our 14 points. Afterwards, the kids went to Stephen and Jen's while we all went to the local bar that sponsors our team for all you can eat wings and salad with the other team (we're all friends...which made this loss extra hard...especially since there was a "trophy" on the line. )
Sunday, we hung out for a little bit and then headed over to Tucker's house for his son's Graduated party. It was HUGE. There was a band and everything. Tucker can really throw a party! Bee and I always joke that he Runs the city. I mean, he is really big in the PTA, he's sits on the board of all of his kid's sports teams, He is a business owner in the city AND sits on the City Council. It's a small town. Everyone knows and likes him. In fact, one night after a game, Bee got pulled over for making a "lazy turn" and having a loud muffler. He told the cop we were on our way to Tuckers (we were) and the Cop was like, "OH! Rick?! Well, just tighten up those turns and get that muffler fixed!" haha!. I think the whole town was at the party. Good Food, Good friends, and a great time. It was one busy weekend and as always, Monday came way too soon...
Boys are Dumb...
We move in less than a week. Nothing is packed. Nothing is sorted. The house is a mess. Bee wants to take one of the only free nights this week he has (tonight)and go golfing with his friends. He was supposed to have a coaches clinic last night but decided he was "too tired" to go. He plopped himself down in front of his XBOX and asked me what's for dinner. I asked him if he went through his clothes after work like he said he was going to. That was the chore he gave himself when I said "we need to start sorting and packing". He said no but that "we'll get to it". I asked if we could start "getting to it" after dinner since he stayed home.
By the end of the night I had two small white garbage bags full of Bee's clothes that he A)Doesn't wear, B)Don't Fit or C) are too "ugly" and or "out of style" and one Bee who was pretty darn proud of himself for "working" on his "night of relaxation".
I'm going to go shoot myself in the face now....
We move in less than a week. Nothing is packed. Nothing is sorted. The house is a mess. Bee wants to take one of the only free nights this week he has (tonight)and go golfing with his friends. He was supposed to have a coaches clinic last night but decided he was "too tired" to go. He plopped himself down in front of his XBOX and asked me what's for dinner. I asked him if he went through his clothes after work like he said he was going to. That was the chore he gave himself when I said "we need to start sorting and packing". He said no but that "we'll get to it". I asked if we could start "getting to it" after dinner since he stayed home.
By the end of the night I had two small white garbage bags full of Bee's clothes that he A)Doesn't wear, B)Don't Fit or C) are too "ugly" and or "out of style" and one Bee who was pretty darn proud of himself for "working" on his "night of relaxation".
I'm going to go shoot myself in the face now....
Friday, July 23, 2010
Just a few things..
I'm tired. Exhausted really, so today's entry is in list form.
~CEDAR POINT WOO! Was soo much fun! I got lots of pictures which I will upload later. Kiddos were totally surprised and had a great time.
~We literally drove home in a tornado. Bee and I kept repeating that line from Twister "Cow......Another Cow!" "No. I think that's the same cow." I think that was more or less so we could laugh and not throw up from the panic we were feeling. Weather was beautiful until around 7:30pm when the heavens opened up.
~The longest we waited all day in line was 45 minutes.
~When you become a mom, biologically or not, you immediately become a pack mule.
~You are also expected to see into the future and be prepare for everything.
~I changed my blog background. Mainly because I had to go to the site where I got it and re-save the one I had because they switched bandwidth supporters, so I figured, what the hell?
~I am so excited about the house and moving, but think I am going to throw up over the thought of packing up my apartment and Bee's house, and the actual act of moving and unpacking. Though, unpacking is way better in my mind than unpacking. It's overwhelming.
~Bee has a football game on Saturday. We also have Grandma Bee's 70th Birthday Party that his sister from out of town planned. That his Sister in law is giving him crap about NOT devoting his whole day to it because "your sister put a lot of effort in to this party!!", Plus, he has a football coaching "work day" that day for "C"'s football team. He's a little stretched thin....which is exactly what I was worried about 4 months ago. Moving, Football, Football Coaching, annnd work.
~I am pretty sure, after walking around all day in the hot hot sun and not even remotely burning or tanning that I just reflect the sun :/
~Later Today, I will upload pics...Until then, I am going to finish work and go home and try and relax :)
~CEDAR POINT WOO! Was soo much fun! I got lots of pictures which I will upload later. Kiddos were totally surprised and had a great time.
~We literally drove home in a tornado. Bee and I kept repeating that line from Twister "Cow......Another Cow!" "No. I think that's the same cow." I think that was more or less so we could laugh and not throw up from the panic we were feeling. Weather was beautiful until around 7:30pm when the heavens opened up.
~The longest we waited all day in line was 45 minutes.
~When you become a mom, biologically or not, you immediately become a pack mule.
~You are also expected to see into the future and be prepare for everything.
~I changed my blog background. Mainly because I had to go to the site where I got it and re-save the one I had because they switched bandwidth supporters, so I figured, what the hell?
~I am so excited about the house and moving, but think I am going to throw up over the thought of packing up my apartment and Bee's house, and the actual act of moving and unpacking. Though, unpacking is way better in my mind than unpacking. It's overwhelming.
~Bee has a football game on Saturday. We also have Grandma Bee's 70th Birthday Party that his sister from out of town planned. That his Sister in law is giving him crap about NOT devoting his whole day to it because "your sister put a lot of effort in to this party!!", Plus, he has a football coaching "work day" that day for "C"'s football team. He's a little stretched thin....which is exactly what I was worried about 4 months ago. Moving, Football, Football Coaching, annnd work.
~I am pretty sure, after walking around all day in the hot hot sun and not even remotely burning or tanning that I just reflect the sun :/
~Later Today, I will upload pics...Until then, I am going to finish work and go home and try and relax :)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Well, The blogging world will care...
I text Bee and told him to call me when he had a second. It wasn't urgent and it didn't have to be right this second, but when he had a free moment. He called right away. The only problem was, he was still at his golf outing. He was supposed to be home like, an hour ago. (I still would like to know who is with the kids...but that's something else entirely.) It was loud. Tucker was drunk in the background singing and yelling. Bee was too busy laughing at him and the other guys to really even hear what I said. I am in a quiet office, he is at the clubhouse. He's yelling "what?!" and I am trying to speak louder, yet not disturb my office. Why wouldn't you step out to call me if you were going to call me now?! I said "When you have a second". He was so busy trying to hear me, laugh at Tucker, and figure out what I was saying that It totally took the wind out of my sails. My Thunder was stolen. He was kinda like "Oh. Ok. Good." Meanwhile, I am so excited.
I've told my one friend here at work, my sister, My BFF and Young Miss Caitlyn and no one's excitement seems to match mine. Oh well. It's probablly just me. I have been uber emotional and touchy today. Whatever.
I GOT MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, I have to pack...........
I text Bee and told him to call me when he had a second. It wasn't urgent and it didn't have to be right this second, but when he had a free moment. He called right away. The only problem was, he was still at his golf outing. He was supposed to be home like, an hour ago. (I still would like to know who is with the kids...but that's something else entirely.) It was loud. Tucker was drunk in the background singing and yelling. Bee was too busy laughing at him and the other guys to really even hear what I said. I am in a quiet office, he is at the clubhouse. He's yelling "what?!" and I am trying to speak louder, yet not disturb my office. Why wouldn't you step out to call me if you were going to call me now?! I said "When you have a second". He was so busy trying to hear me, laugh at Tucker, and figure out what I was saying that It totally took the wind out of my sails. My Thunder was stolen. He was kinda like "Oh. Ok. Good." Meanwhile, I am so excited.
I've told my one friend here at work, my sister, My BFF and Young Miss Caitlyn and no one's excitement seems to match mine. Oh well. It's probablly just me. I have been uber emotional and touchy today. Whatever.
I GOT MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, I have to pack...........
My Day Book #18
Today is...
July 21st, 2010
Outside My Window...
Sunny and 81 Degrees. It'll do...It'll do. I just hope Tomorrow is good...
I am Thinking...
about the house. Still. No word yet from Walter. I'm sure we're good though...I am thinking about our current house and how we need to pack. I am also thinking about CEDAR POINT!! WOO HOO!!! I haven't been in at least 15 years...
I am thankful for...
the generosity of the owner of my company.
What I have learned this week...
watching a child learn something through play is one of the best things ever!
I am wearing...
Jeans, Grey tank top, long black sweater and sandals.
I am creating...
a list of things to put in my new pink back pack for CEDAR POINT! WOO!!!
I am going...
wait for it.....wait for it....CEDAR POINT!!!! WOO!! hahaha :) Seriously though. I am. :D I can not wait. The kids are going to have a blast and so are Bee and I are too! I am gonna take so many pictures, ya'll be sick! hahaha!
I am reading...
my email every 5 minutes to see if Walt has emailed me yet! :)
I am hoping...
Bee wins his game on Saturday, Caitlyn gets to kick again and SCORES every time, Walt calls me and we get this house, and that we can move in soon!!!
I am hearing...
People talking, phones ringing...the usual for work.
Around the House...
We are doing fun things this week with the kids! Monday they went to work with dad (fun for them lol). Tuesday we went to the Great Lakes Science Center, Wednesday (today) They are hangin with Grandma Bee who I am sure is filling their little bellies with treats galore, and Tomorrow we will be waking them super early to drive the hour and 45 min to CEDAR POINT! WOO! Then Friday, hopefully they will rest. Bee is off today through the rest of the week. At least most of us get to rest on Friday :/ I can't really complain. I've worked only every other day this week lol! Hope to hear on the house soon so we can pack and get moving. Saturday Bee's game is against the Vikings, which has a spattering of his friends on their team, so that should be fun! Then, afterwards we are all going up to a local bar for wings and salad! Beer for them, pop for me! yay!
One of my Favorite things this week...
Spending the day with the kiddos at the Science Center! Watching them learn is fun!
A Picture Thought...

July 21st, 2010
Outside My Window...
Sunny and 81 Degrees. It'll do...It'll do. I just hope Tomorrow is good...
I am Thinking...
about the house. Still. No word yet from Walter. I'm sure we're good though...I am thinking about our current house and how we need to pack. I am also thinking about CEDAR POINT!! WOO HOO!!! I haven't been in at least 15 years...
I am thankful for...
the generosity of the owner of my company.
What I have learned this week...
watching a child learn something through play is one of the best things ever!
I am wearing...
Jeans, Grey tank top, long black sweater and sandals.
I am creating...
a list of things to put in my new pink back pack for CEDAR POINT! WOO!!!
I am going...
wait for it.....wait for it....CEDAR POINT!!!! WOO!! hahaha :) Seriously though. I am. :D I can not wait. The kids are going to have a blast and so are Bee and I are too! I am gonna take so many pictures, ya'll be sick! hahaha!
I am reading...
my email every 5 minutes to see if Walt has emailed me yet! :)
I am hoping...
Bee wins his game on Saturday, Caitlyn gets to kick again and SCORES every time, Walt calls me and we get this house, and that we can move in soon!!!
I am hearing...
People talking, phones ringing...the usual for work.
Around the House...
We are doing fun things this week with the kids! Monday they went to work with dad (fun for them lol). Tuesday we went to the Great Lakes Science Center, Wednesday (today) They are hangin with Grandma Bee who I am sure is filling their little bellies with treats galore, and Tomorrow we will be waking them super early to drive the hour and 45 min to CEDAR POINT! WOO! Then Friday, hopefully they will rest. Bee is off today through the rest of the week. At least most of us get to rest on Friday :/ I can't really complain. I've worked only every other day this week lol! Hope to hear on the house soon so we can pack and get moving. Saturday Bee's game is against the Vikings, which has a spattering of his friends on their team, so that should be fun! Then, afterwards we are all going up to a local bar for wings and salad! Beer for them, pop for me! yay!
One of my Favorite things this week...
Spending the day with the kiddos at the Science Center! Watching them learn is fun!
A Picture Thought...
Caitlyn and Tucker!!! Two of my most favoritest players on the team! She is the Kicker and he is our center!

Making Good on Promises.

I don't believe that children should get whatever they want, when they want it. Call me cruel, but I believe that children should be told "no" to the things they want sometimes for no other reason then they need to learn life isn't always fair and we don't always get what we want.
That being said, it's kinda hard to turn down a child who is smart, well behaved, and really is a perfect angel most of the time. Especially when they look at you with their big brown reminds-me-of-his-dad's eyes and asks "Can you take me to a Museum this summer, please?" like he's a 27 year old English major. My heart melted and I said, "Why, ABSOLUTELY Little Man!!" and then he hugged me, said his prayers ("and God, Thank You for letting her take me to a museum!"). That was a month ago.
Flash forward to Monday. Bee and I are in a lurch because "J" had told us "I want to live here!" and so, we canceled our summer babysitters because why send the kiddos off to someone else when they can be with their sister? Like it or not, older siblings are WHY you have more children. This way, when they become teenagers, you can't kill them because then you have to find an actual babysitter. Then, you can say things like "Well, we all have chores. Yours is watching your brother and sister. You want privileges? Well, they come with responsibilities." Not that "J" complains, at least not yet. But I am sure at some point, she will.
Anywho, we're in a lurch because she spent the weekend at her mom's. Just like I suspected, mom has a place to stay now (with her "friends". We're still not sure who and where that is) and so last we heard was a voicemail and a text from "J"'s mom saying that "J is going to stay a "few more days". Until AFTER the convention (J.W's)". We don't know how long "a few more days" is, and we haven't been able to get a hold of anyone over there since. Legally, Bee can't do anything much. She has legal custody. We can get a lawyer and challenge that custody and the fact they are technically "transient", but "J" is 17. By the time anything could be done, she'll be 18 and it will all be moot anyway (I know, I looked into it). For all we know, "J" was told we don't want her here and don't want her calling us. She's not allowed to have her own phone so our only contact with her is her mother.
All of this to say, on top of all that, we have no sitter now for the kiddos. Grandma Bee can normally do Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, but we are still at a loss for Monday and Friday. Tyler and his mom never got back to me about watching the kids. I am assuming they don't want to. Oh well, we'll do what we did last year. So, Monday, I dropped them off at Bee's work. Then, Tuesday, Grandma Bee has to work early because someone was on vacation, so we had no sitter. I decided last minute, to take the day off and be with the kids. I just got my bonus and decided to make good on my museum promise! Best part? Apparently, Tuesdays are free at the Great Lakes Science Center for all kids under 18 with a paying adult! Bonus for me!!!
That being said, it's kinda hard to turn down a child who is smart, well behaved, and really is a perfect angel most of the time. Especially when they look at you with their big brown reminds-me-of-his-dad's eyes and asks "Can you take me to a Museum this summer, please?" like he's a 27 year old English major. My heart melted and I said, "Why, ABSOLUTELY Little Man!!" and then he hugged me, said his prayers ("and God, Thank You for letting her take me to a museum!"). That was a month ago.
Flash forward to Monday. Bee and I are in a lurch because "J" had told us "I want to live here!" and so, we canceled our summer babysitters because why send the kiddos off to someone else when they can be with their sister? Like it or not, older siblings are WHY you have more children. This way, when they become teenagers, you can't kill them because then you have to find an actual babysitter. Then, you can say things like "Well, we all have chores. Yours is watching your brother and sister. You want privileges? Well, they come with responsibilities." Not that "J" complains, at least not yet. But I am sure at some point, she will.
Anywho, we're in a lurch because she spent the weekend at her mom's. Just like I suspected, mom has a place to stay now (with her "friends". We're still not sure who and where that is) and so last we heard was a voicemail and a text from "J"'s mom saying that "J is going to stay a "few more days". Until AFTER the convention (J.W's)". We don't know how long "a few more days" is, and we haven't been able to get a hold of anyone over there since. Legally, Bee can't do anything much. She has legal custody. We can get a lawyer and challenge that custody and the fact they are technically "transient", but "J" is 17. By the time anything could be done, she'll be 18 and it will all be moot anyway (I know, I looked into it). For all we know, "J" was told we don't want her here and don't want her calling us. She's not allowed to have her own phone so our only contact with her is her mother.
All of this to say, on top of all that, we have no sitter now for the kiddos. Grandma Bee can normally do Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, but we are still at a loss for Monday and Friday. Tyler and his mom never got back to me about watching the kids. I am assuming they don't want to. Oh well, we'll do what we did last year. So, Monday, I dropped them off at Bee's work. Then, Tuesday, Grandma Bee has to work early because someone was on vacation, so we had no sitter. I decided last minute, to take the day off and be with the kids. I just got my bonus and decided to make good on my museum promise! Best part? Apparently, Tuesdays are free at the Great Lakes Science Center for all kids under 18 with a paying adult! Bonus for me!!!
So, we got up early. Scratch that. I got up early. Showered. Freaked because the cable was off. Called and paid the bill (I will save my rant about "privacy" and customer service for another day), then got the kiddos up, fed, and then started the days chain of events off by breaking my camera. Great. We are surprising the kids with Cedar Point on Thursday. I NEED my camera!!! So, we ran up to Walmart and I bought a new one. Slightly more than what I wanted to pay, but Walmart was A) Out of stock on EVERYTHING and B) I was being picky because after owning a camera that takes "AA's" versus my last one that had a battery like a cell phone, I'll take the latter any day. So, I could have gotten a camera for $119.00, but I took the $130.00 one because of the battery pack. (BTW: It's a samsung. Like my phone. I love my phone and I REALLY REALLY REALLY Love this camera.)


We made it downtown and Little Man's big round eyes became the size of saucers when he saw where we were going! Then, when he found out it was space week and that there was going to be a really real astronaut ("the space man" he referred to him all day long as) there and he could meet him AND get his autograph, well, he was in awe. We spent the whole day playing, and learning, and even saw an IMAX movie about under the Sea animals (We were going to see "Hubble" since it was space week, but it was only at 1pm and 3pm and 1pm was when the "space man" was going to be there and 3pm was too late ). Little Man lead the way to each and every exhibit. He spent so much time on the first floor, I had to keep prodding him along reminding him there was a whole 2 more floors with fun stuff to see and do. Both kids had a BLAST. They are already talking about when they can go next time.
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