Monday, March 8, 2010

IDK, my BFF Rose!

My BFF Rose is my soulmate :) She really is. I believe that you can have more than one soulmate. I mean, "B" is my soulmate in the romantic sense...but my BFF Rose is so much like me in the way that I think, react to situations, and feel about things.

I met her back in 2004 at a bar, of all places. I was actually friends with her boyfriend first. To be honest, I had a crush on him. He always talked bad about her and how "crazy" she was. I later found out he was just a cheating douche bag.

Back in 2007, she asked me if I wanted to move in with her. Mainly because her cheating douchebag boyfriend lived with her and didn't pay her any rent or any bills and because I was 26 and still living at home and was looking to move out. I moved in and we got even closer. She has been there for me through break-ups, BAD break-ups, good times, and bad times. She has held my hair when I have drank too much and listen to me prattle on for hours when I was all anxious or upset about a boy or any other problem.

I love her and she means the world to me. I almost lost her and our friendship with the fact that I was so wrapped up in "B". However, in the end, our bond was stronger than all that.

I can't wait for the day she is in my wedding! :)

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